Publication: cytochrome c-cardiolipin complexes as pro-apoptotic lipid peroxidase.

Our first paper of 2019 has just appeared online in the journal Structure. It describes the very nice solid-state NMR studies performed by Dr. Mingyue Li, on a protein-lipid complex involved in the early stages of mitochondrial apoptosis. Together with our collaborators in the groups of Valerian Kagan and Jinwoo Ahn (University of Pittsburgh), she looked at the structure and function of the peroxidase active cytochrome c in its membrane-bound state. For more details on the findings, including how the lipid substrate cardiolipin forms membrane nano domains and acts as a dynamic regulator, please see the paper at the journal. This work was made possible by NIH funding (NIGMS R01 GM113908).


Surface-Binding to Cardiolipin Nanodomains Triggers Cytochrome c Pro-apoptotic Peroxidase Activity via Localized Dynamics. Li, M., Mandal, A., Tyurin, V.A., Delucia, M., Ahn, J., Kagan, V.E., & Van der Wel, P.C.A. (2019) Structure,  in press [URL]

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