Tag: NMR

Educational webinar on the use of ssNMR to measure dihedral angles.

Recently, Patrick gave an online lecture in the online webinar tutorial series of the Global NMR Discussion Meetings series (episode 70!). In this online lecture he introduced and discussed approaches to measure torsion angles (or dihedral angles) using advanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy. He discussed the basic idea of how these are implemented in ssNMR, but also how such structural data can be a useful complement to more traditional inter-atomic distance information obtained by ssNMR. You can now watch the recording of this lecture on Youtube, via this link.

Want to learn even more?

This lecture is connected to our recent review article on the same topic, which can be found online at: Frontiers | Dihedral Angle Measurements for Structure Determination by Biomolecular Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy (frontiersin.org)

The online recording of the Patrick’s lecture, via YouTube.

Job search: NMR spectroscopist being recruited at the RuG

The University of Groningen is looking to hire a NMR spectroscopist for the solution NMR facility associated with the chemistry-focused Stratingh Institute. Ad is here: https://www.rug.nl/about-ug/work-with-us/job-opportunities/?details=00347-02S0009SXP&cat=obp

Note that this position is not associated with our research group. The mentioned NMR facility is part of the Stratingh Institute and focuses on solution NMR studies.

Competitive PhD Scholarships call open (deadline April 1st)

Our Institute and Faculty have opened up a competitive call for PhD scholarship applications. Our solid-state NMR group participates in one of the research theme areas, designated as “Advanced Materials”, which spans topics from physics of life, via bio-inspired materials, to materials and much more. The process is described in some detail on the RuG website. Briefly, applicants (with a MSc degree) are expected to contact a PI/supervisor (immediately!) and develop a fitting project to submit. The submission deadline of an initial idea (few hundred words) is due by April 1st 2020!

Suitable ideas are expected to fit within designated topics areas, described on the website here and here. Note especially also the 2nd link, as it contains important detailed information.T

Interested in this? Please contact us as soon as possible, to meet the tight deadlines. Together we can consider topics that range from self-assembling bio-inspired materials, Physics of Cancer, non-biological materials and other topics. Projects will be highly interdisciplinary as the involvement of a second supervisor is also required, with a distinct and complementary expertise.