Tag: membranes

New (e)book on membrane studies by solid-state NMR released online.

Now available online: we have contributed a chapter to a new (e)book on the topic of solid-state NMR studies of membranes and membrane proteins, edited by Frances Separovic and Marc-Antoine Sani (Univ. Melbourne, Australia). The edited volume “Solid state NMR. Applications in biomembrane structure.” was released in the IOP series in association with the Biophysical Society.

Our chapter (Solid-state NMR studies of peripherally membrane-associated proteins: dealing with dynamics, disorder and dilute conditions [1]) looks at several studies that use ssNMR to probe peripheral membrane proteins. A key focus is on our own work on the mitochondrial protein cytochrome c, and how it binds to cardiolipin lipids during apoptosis, funded by the NIH/NIGMS [2]. In the chapter we try to summarise some of the practical challenges involved, along with potential solutions reported by ourselves and a few other research groups that studied other peripheral membrane proteins by ssNMR.

Cited references:

[1] Van der Wel, P.C.A. (2020) Solid-state NMR studies of peripherally membrane-associated proteins: dealing with dynamics, disorder and dilute conditions. Chapter 10 in Solid-state NMR; applications in biomembrane structure. Edited by F. Separovic & M.-A. Sani; IOP Press (DOI 10.1088/978-0-7503-2532-5ch10)

[2] Li, M.; Mandal, A.; Tyurin, V. A.; DeLucia, M.; Ahn, J.; Kagan, V. E.; van der Wel, P. C. A. (2019) Surface-Binding to Cardiolipin Nanodomains Triggers Cytochrome c Pro-Apoptotic Peroxidase Activity via Localized Dynamics. Structure 2019, 27 (5), 806-815.e4. (DOI 10.1016/j.str.2019.02.007)