Author: Patrick
Webinar: Structural biology of Huntington’s disease.
On May 15th 2021, Patrick gave an invited lecture in the online webinar series on the Molecular Bases of Proteinopathies hosted by the Ramamoorthy lab at the University of Michigan. Patrick talked about our research on polyglutamine protein aggregation and the structural biology of Huntington’s disease.The seminar title was “The Structural Biology of Protein Misfolding in Huntington’s disease”. If you are interested, the seminar has been posted to YouTube, where it can be viewed here.
Preprint: cytochrome c – cardiolipin studies by ssNMR on bioRxiv
Our latest update on structural studies of this peroxidase-active protein-lipid complex implicated in mitochondrial apoptosis has now posted to bioRxiv:
In the preprint we discuss how ssNMR reveals the involvement of specific and localised dynamics in the lipid-bound protein. Interestingly, the mobility is dependent on the bound lipid species, with an apparent correlation to the resulting peroxidase activity. The lipids thus act as both substrates and regulators of the pro-apoptotic enzymatic activity of the protein. This was also discussed in the recent webinar as discussed in an earlier post.
This work was made possible by several great collaborators at the University of Pittsburgh, and funding from the NIH for both the project and employed instrumentation.
Update: The paper has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Biology, and can be found online at its DOI link.
Mingyue Li, Wanyang Sun, Vladimir A. Tyurin, Maria DeLucia, Jinwoo Ahn, Valerian E. Kagan, Patrick C.A. van der Wel (2021) Activation of Cytochrome C Peroxidase Function Through Coordinated Foldon Loop Dynamics upon Interaction with Anionic Lipids, Journal of Molecular Biology, in press
Webinar: Talk on dynamics ssNMR studies in the Emerging Topics in Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance series
On Thu Feb 18th, Patrick was invited to give a talk in the online Emerging Topics in Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance webinar series. This is a global online seminar series featuring the frontier of research using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (mostly NMR) in biological systems. The webinars are also posted (most of them at least) to the dedicated YouTube channel. Lots of great cutting edge research there!
Patrick presented a combination of published an unpublished research that focused on the studies of how lipid (per)oxidation is catalysed in mitochondria, as part of the mitochondrial apoptotic process. Whilst oxidation of biomolecules (lipids, DNA, proteins) is commonly seen as simply an undesirable negative site effect, recent studies show that in apoptotic mitochondria the process of lipid oxidation is actually being catalysed (and directed!) by a protein-driven enzymatic reaction. We have been studying the underlying molecular events for some years now, resulting in a number of related papers [1-4]. In these papers we initially emphasised how the protein involved (cytochrome c) is surprisingly similar in structure to its native state [1]. In more recent work we are figuring out how this native state is variably “mobilised” in its peroxidase active state, and how this is regulated by the substrate of the peroxidation reaction [3]. This latter story is the focus of the online talk.
The idea of the lipids acting as both substrate and dynamic activator, was introduced in our recent paper in Structure [3]. A paper is forthcoming that will look at this in more detail, with some data shown and discussed in the talk. The talk is now also available on the YouTube channel of the webinar series. (If you go there, hang around for many more interesting talks, including the talk by Roland Riek on automating NMR assignments with new computational approaches, in the same video.)
This research has been supported by funds from the NIH to my group and the group of collaborator Valerian Kagan. The papers below should be available (mostly) as open access, but please requests reprints from us if needed.
Some related papers from the lab:
- Mandal, A.; Hoop, C. L.; DeLucia, M.; Kodali, R.; Kagan, V. E.; Ahn, J.; van der Wel, P. C. A. Structural Changes and Proapoptotic Peroxidase Activity of Cardiolipin-Bound Mitochondrial Cytochrome c. Biophys. J.2015, 109(9), 1873–1884.
- Our first studies of the CytC-CL complex by ssNMR.
- Mandal, A.; Van der Wel, P. C. A. MAS (1)H NMR Probes Freezing Point Depression of Water and Liquid-Gel Phase Transitions in Liposomes. Biophys. J.2016, 111 (9), 1965–1973.
- A question was asked about phase transitions. We look at this by ssNMR in this paper. Also earlier work on VDAC may be relevant.
- Li, M.; Mandal, A.; Tyurin, V. A.; DeLucia, M.; Ahn, J.; Kagan, V. E.; van der Wel, P. C. A. Surface-Binding to Cardiolipin Nanodomains Triggers Cytochrome c Pro-Apoptotic Peroxidase Activity via Localized Dynamics. Structure2019, 27 (5), 806-815.e4.
- Kagan, V. E.; Tyurina, Y. Y.; Sun, W. Y.; Vlasova, L. L.; Dar, H.; Tyurin, V. A.; Amoscato, A. A.; Mallampalli, R.; van der Wel, P. C. A.; He, R. R.; Shvedova, A. A.; Gabrilovich, D.; Bayir, H. Redox Phospholipidomics of Enzymatically Generated Oxygenated Phospholipids as Specific Signals of Programmed Cell Death. Free Radic Biol Med2020, 147, 231–241.
- Talks about the role of purposely catalysed enzymatic lipid peroxidation as a signal in biology.
Publication: paper on an anti-polyglutamine oligomeric chaperone studies published!

Congratulations to our postdoc Dr. Irina Matlahov and our collaborators in the group of Prof. Lukasz Joachimiak at UTSW! Our new paper on the structure and function of an oligomer chaperone prohibiting polyglutamine aggregation has now been published in the journal Nature Communications. In it, we deploy a combination of solid-state NMR (ssNMR), solution NMR, cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) and other methods to visualise and understand these Hsp40 DnaJB8. This so-called co-chaperone teams up with Hsp70 to prevent polyglutamine aggregation in cells, but has been hard to understand. This is because it has itself a strong propensity to self-aggregate (or phase separate), even in a cellular context. Here we deploy a range of methods to identify and characterise an interesting and important feature of this multi domain protein. We show that the protein blocks its own activity when it is just “sitting around”, but can be activated due to environmental triggers. We figure out the specific amino acids are involved, and find that similar interactions are apparently present in other analogous chaperones. The intriguing possibility now arises that this self-blocking allows the chaperones to sit around in a “dormant” state until their action is (urgently?) needed. Then, perhaps, substrate proteins that could cause disease could be bound and that this binding interaction would quickly activate a bunch of these proteins. Further experiments will be needed to test this idea, and whether it can be used to control or activate these innate protective mechanisms as part of disease treatments in the future. Note that polyglutamine proteins aggregate in many incurable diseases, including Huntington’s disease (HD).

For more information, please read our new paper at the journal:
Ryder, B.D.; Matlahov, I.; Bali, S.; Vaquer-Alicea, J.; Van der Wel, P.C.A. & Joachimiak, L.A. (2021) Regulatory inter-domain interactions influence Hsp70 recruitment to the DnaJB8 chaperone. Nat. Commun. 12: 946 [DOI:]
Our work for this paper was made supported by the American NIH funding our polyglutamine research and instrumentation (grants GM112678 & OD012213-01). Nowadays, our polyglutamine research continues in Groningen with funding from CampagneTeam Huntington and CHDI. Note that this paper is published “open access” like all of our (recent) HD related work.
Note added:
The paper also received some online attention in some science-oriented news sites, based on press releases by the universities involved. This includes a highlight on the HD News website on April 20th.
MOSBRI Biophysics Infrastructure
Starting later this year, the RUG ssNMR group will be of the newly funded MOlecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure (MOSBRI) network. This EU-wide consortium enables ambitious integrative multi-technological studies of biological systems at the crucial intermediate level between atomic-resolution structural descriptions and cellular-scale observations. MOSBRI provides European academic and industrial researchers with a one-stop shop Trans-National Access to the latest technological developments in advanced spectroscopies, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, real-time kinetics and single molecule approaches.
More information can be found on the MOSBRI website, and also on our own MOSBRI page.
This infrastructure network is supported by EU funding and features resources in many EU countries (and the UK). The page of the University of Groningen hub is found here.

Online presentation: our work featured in the Polymer Physics & Polymer Spectroscopy (P3S) webinar series
Patrick was invited to present some of our work in the P3S webinar series organised by three research groups from Europe, China and the US. This recurring series has included many interesting talks on studies of polymers and hydrogels by various spectroscopic techniques, with a recurring role for (solid-state) NMR spectroscopy. Patrick spoke about our published work on studying the repeating polymer structures of polyglutamine proteins [1] and (briefly) our newer investigations of polysaccharide hydrogels [2] . In the former topic, the talk discussed the use and benefits of torsion angle measurements by solid-state NMR, as demonstrated in our prior work on various different samples [1,3-4].
The talk was recorded and can be found in the P3S online archive, with the specific talk linked here.
- Hoop, C. L.; Lin, H.-K.; Kar, K.; Magyarfalvi, G.; Lamley, J. M.; Boatz, J. C.; Mandal, A.; Lewandowski, J. R.; Wetzel, R.; van der Wel, P. C. A. Huntingtin Exon 1 Fibrils Feature an Interdigitated β-Hairpin-Based Polyglutamine Core. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2016, 113 (6), 1546–1551.
- El Hariri El Nokab, M.; van der Wel, P. C. A. Use of Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for Investigating Polysaccharide-Based Hydrogels: A Review. Carbohydrate Polymers 2020, 116276.
- Bajaj, V. S.; van der Wel, P. C. A.; Griffin, R. G. Observation of a Low-Temperature, Dynamically Driven Structural Transition in a Polypeptide by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc 2009, 131 (1), 118–128.
- Van der Wel, P. C. A.; Lewandowski, J. R.; Griffin, R. G. Structural Characterization of GNNQQNY Amyloid Fibrils by Magic Angle Spinning NMR. Biochemistry 2010, 49 (44), 9457–9469.
New (e)book on membrane studies by solid-state NMR released online.
Now available online: we have contributed a chapter to a new (e)book on the topic of solid-state NMR studies of membranes and membrane proteins, edited by Frances Separovic and Marc-Antoine Sani (Univ. Melbourne, Australia). The edited volume “Solid state NMR. Applications in biomembrane structure.” was released in the IOP series in association with the Biophysical Society.
Our chapter (Solid-state NMR studies of peripherally membrane-associated proteins: dealing with dynamics, disorder and dilute conditions [1]) looks at several studies that use ssNMR to probe peripheral membrane proteins. A key focus is on our own work on the mitochondrial protein cytochrome c, and how it binds to cardiolipin lipids during apoptosis, funded by the NIH/NIGMS [2]. In the chapter we try to summarise some of the practical challenges involved, along with potential solutions reported by ourselves and a few other research groups that studied other peripheral membrane proteins by ssNMR.
Cited references:
[1] Van der Wel, P.C.A. (2020) Solid-state NMR studies of peripherally membrane-associated proteins: dealing with dynamics, disorder and dilute conditions. Chapter 10 in Solid-state NMR; applications in biomembrane structure. Edited by F. Separovic & M.-A. Sani; IOP Press (DOI 10.1088/978-0-7503-2532-5ch10)
[2] Li, M.; Mandal, A.; Tyurin, V. A.; DeLucia, M.; Ahn, J.; Kagan, V. E.; van der Wel, P. C. A. (2019) Surface-Binding to Cardiolipin Nanodomains Triggers Cytochrome c Pro-Apoptotic Peroxidase Activity via Localized Dynamics. Structure 2019, 27 (5), 806-815.e4. (DOI 10.1016/j.str.2019.02.007)
O-ChemS website available
The Solid-state NMR group is part of the O-ChemS consortium at the University of Groningen, working on supramolecular systems and materials that operate out of equilibrium. These materials borrow principles from life and nature, to attain unique functional properties. The website of this consortium is now live, available at:

Webinars of interest (during COVID)
During the COVID19 pandemic many conferences were cancelled, but also various interesting new online alternatives came into being. Below are a few relevant seminar series with relevance to our past and current research.
- Protein aggregation & chaperones
- NMR related
- Emerging Topics in Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (YouTube)
- Global NMR Discussion meetings (YouTube)
- MIT SSNMR/DNP zoom seminars
- P3S seminars MLU Halle
- ICMRBS Early Careers Seminars
- Intercontinental NMR Seminar Series (ICONS2020)
- Membranes and lipids
- Biophysics
New publication on structure of mutant huntingtin protein from Huntington’s Disease
Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Boatz and other team members for the acceptance and publication of a nice new paper on the structure of the misfolded mutant protein from Huntington’s disease. The paper is online at the Journal of Molecular Biology. Based on an integration of multiple techniques (NMR, EM, and X-ray diffraction), Jennifer assembled a new structural model of the protofilaments that make up the hierarchical fiber architecture of mutant huntingtin exon 1. This is a timely and important step forward in our understanding of the (mis)behaviour of the HD protein, and in particular how it forms pathogenic inclusions and protein aggregates.
In this new paper and prior work we (and others) have seen that the mutant protein is prone to form a collection of different kinds of aggregates, with each their own structure and functional properties. This is of substantial interest from a disease perspective, as these “functional properties” can encompass different degrees of neurotoxic properties. Surprisingly, Jennifer shows in this paper that one contributor to, or trigger of, huntingtin polymorphism is the concentration of the protein. Further studies will have to explore whether or how this finding impacts efforts to replicate cellular behaviour of the protein in vitro, and how it may affect the toxic properties of the aggregated protein states.

Protofilament Structure and Supramolecular Polymorphism of Aggregated Mutant Huntingtin Exon 1. Boatz, J.C., Piretra, T., Lasorsa, A., Matlahov, I., Conway, J.F. & Van der Wel, P.C.A. (2020) J. Mol. Biol., 432(16): 4722-4744. [DOI] (Open Access)
Funding & support: The underlying research in this paper was enabled by funding support from the American NIH/NIGMS (grant R01 GM112678) and funding from the CampagneTeam Huntington in the Netherlands. For more information on the disease, see also our HD page and the CTH website. Other support came from the University of Groningen and the University of Pittsburgh.
Note added: Our Institute also highlighted this paper in a nice summary posted on the Zernike Institute website.