
Publication: Solid-state NMR studies of the pro-apoptotic peroxidase-form of cytochrome c.

Congratulations to Abhishek and his co-authors!

The Biophysical Journal has accepted our paper on the structural and functional study of cardiolipin-bound cytochrome c, looking at its peroxidase activated membrane-bound state. Lipid oxidation by cytochrome c plays a critical role in mitochondrial apoptosis, and we examined the molecular underpinnings of this process using solid-state NMR spectroscopy and other tools.

For more information see the paper:
Mandal, A., Hoop, C.L., DeLucia, M., Kodali, R., Kagan, V., Ahn, J., Van der Wel, P.C.A.* (2015) Structural changes and pro-apoptotic peroxidase activity of cardiolipin-bound mitochondrial cytochrome c. Biophys. J. J. 109(9): 1873–1884 (Full text)

Publication – Hoop et al (2014) “Polyglutamine amyloid core boundaries and flanking domain dynamics in huntingtin fragment fibrils determined by solid-state NMR.”

New publication on the structure and dynamics in fibrils formed from mutant huntingtin fragments, including a 44-Q exon-1. In the journal Biochemistry: Polyglutamine amyloid core boundaries and flanking domain dynamics in huntingtin fragment fibrils determined by solid-state NMR. DOI:

Publication – D-polyglutamine amyloid recruits L-polyglutamine monomers and kills cells.

New publication on the surprising features of D-polyQ, in the Journal of Molecular Biology: D-polyglutamine amyloid recruits L-polyglutamine monomers and kills cells. DOI:

Publication – Spinning-rate encoded chemical shift correlations from rotational resonance solid-state NMR experiments

Jun Li’s work on rotational resonance width experiments is published in JMR:

Li, J., & van der Wel, P.C.A. Spinning-rate encoded chemical shift correlations from rotational resonance solid-state NMR experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 2013;230:117-124.

Publication – β-hairpin-mediated nucleation of polyglutamine amyloid formation

Cody’s collaborative work with the Wetzel group on the structure and formation mechanism of polyglutamine aggregates is published in JMB:

Kar, K., Hoop, C.L., Drombosky, K.W., Baker, M.A., Kodali, R., Arduini, I., van der Wel, P.C.A., Horne, W.S., & Wetzel, R. β-hairpin-mediated nucleation of polyglutamine amyloid formation. J Mol Biol. 2013;425(7):1-45.
